IMPORTANT NOTICE This directory contains a special build of Clippings 2.0 which has been modified to be compatible with Firefox 2.0 beta 1. As this build is experimental, regular end users are discouraged from downloading and installing it unless Clippings is absolutely required. Based on initial testing with Firefox 2.0 beta 1, several issues have been identified with it, and are listed below. Note that none of these problems are present when installing it in Firefox 1.5.0.x. Known issues with Firefox 2.0 beta 1: * Crashes Firefox when inserting a clipping containing Asian characters * New/New From Selection command is always disabled in rich edit box (workaround: select and copy, then New From Clipboard command in Clippings status bar icon) * "Spell check this field" command in text boxes in New Clipping dialog has a folder icon instead of a check mark Please see <> for up-to-date information. 2006-07-29